Creamy Carrot Coconut Soup

Creamy Carrot Coconut Soup


This soup is shockingly orange with a texture like velvet and the brightness of fresh-squeezed orange juice and spicy ginger.

Creamy coconut milk adds to the flavor, and unrefined coconut oil provides its great thyroid-friendly health benefits. The orange juice brings out the natural sweetness of the carrots, while the addition of sour lime complements the coconut milk. I wouldn’t describe it as Thai, but I borrowed from their incredible flavors to hit the flavor mark I wanted.


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Chef's Notes:

  • If you make this with homemade chicken stock (aka bone broth), and organic, vitamin A-rich carrots, you’re delivering some serious love to your gut, joint, skin, hair, and nail health.
  • I like to add the musky sweetness of cream sherry to mine; the alcohol cooks out, but you can skip it, no problem. To learn more, check out my post, "Cooking with Wine the Thyroid-healthy Way."
  • If you’d prefer a vegan version, substitute vegetable broth for the chicken stock. That’s one of the great things about this soup: it meets a lot of today’s common dietary restrictions, and you can adapt it easily to meet even more, so this makes a friendly (and colorful) addition to any dinner party or potluck menu.


Try this next! Thai Chicken Soup with Coconut Milk


Thyroid-healthy Highlights:


Happy cooking, happy thriving, and enjoy the recipe (below)!

P.S. Need more thyroid-friendly recipe inspiration? I’ve got you covered. My Thyroid-friendly Everyday eCookbook features over 50 quick and easy, thyroid-friendly recipes your whole family will love. To take a peek at what’s inside, CLICK HERE.



More Thyroid-Healthy Soup Recipes:



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