Transform Your Health With...

Premium Thrivers

Club Membership

Unlock personalized coaching, exclusive resources, and a supportive community to help you achieve lasting vitality.


Ready to Spread Your Wings and Thrive?

Even if you've come a long way on your thyroid journey, it can be easy to lose momentum. You know that staying inspired and consistent is key to making lasting change, but getting there can feel impossible. If you’re ready to take your health to the next level, you need next-level support and guidance to make it happen.

Your Transformation Begins Here

As a Premium Thrivers Club Member, you’ll receive ongoing, personalized support to help you turn those spurts of progress into lasting change. This is your opportunity to get the expert guidance and encouragement you need to make vibrant health your new normal. Let’s work together to ensure you feel better long-term with a plan that’s tailored to YOU.

Why Premium Membership Works

This isn’t just another DIY program—it’s a comprehensive, personalized journey designed to help you achieve and maintain vibrant health. Imagine having a trusted coach by your side, a supportive community cheering you on, and exclusive resources tailored to your needs. Premium Thrivers Club Membership provides that game-changing level of support.


Personalized Guidance

Tailored one-on-one coaching sessions focus on your unique challenges, strengths, and goals. Whether you’re struggling with medication adjustments, food, exercise, or lifestyle changes, Ginny will be there as your co-pilot every step of the way.


Top Shelf Resources

You'll have an all-access pass to the Thrivers Club Resource Library filled with thyroid-friendly recipes, cooking classes, and members-only workshops. You'll also get The Ultimate Thyroid Bundle, which includes the entire collection of Hypothyroid Chef courses to keep you informed and empowered.


Ongoing Support

Connect with a vibrant community of fellow "Thyroid Thrivers" who truly understand what you’re going through. They’re here to offer encouragement, share experiences, and provide the accountability you need to stay on track and have FUN reaching your health goals.

Your Coach

Hi, I’m Ginny Mahar, a certified Functional Medicine Health Coach and Cordon Bleu Chef. I'm also a mom with Hashimoto's who struggled with debilitating symptoms for years...until I discovered the power of thyroid-friendly food and lifestyle. 

I understand how frustrating it can be to sift through conflicting advice, figure out what truly works for your body, and find solutions you can stick with. That’s why I created this Premium Coaching Membership—to give you the personalized guidance and support you need to ditch the symptoms and achieve the vitality of your dreams.

Ginny Has Been Featured In

What's Included with Premium Membership?

1-on-1 Coaching

Get tailored guidance and support in six private sessions with Ginny to help you achieve your goals.


Group Coaching

Join regular group coaching calls where you can learn, share, and grow with you fellow Thrivers.



Connect with a positive, supportive system of people who understand the thyroid journey.


Access a collection of courses designed to deepen your understanding of thyroid-healthy food, lifestyle, and treatment.



Enhance your well-being with over 15 workshops covering essential topics like gut health, weight loss, and sleep.


Wellness Challenges

Take part in targeted wellness challenges that inspire you to learn, engage, and achieve new milestones on your health journey.

Start Now

Personalized Coaching for Your Thyroid Journey

Premium Membership includes six one-on-one coaching calls. Together, we’ll craft a plan that reflects your unique needs, goals, and strengths, empowering you to break through barriers and achieve lasting vitality.

Coaching Call 1

A Foundation for Transformation

We’ll kick things off by discussing your current goals and challenges, laying the groundwork for your transformation. Together, we’ll identify your character strengths, and your highest vision of health, which will serve as your foundation for success.

Coaching Call 2

Optimizing Treatment

We’ll begin by checking in on how you’re feeling and dive into strategies for working with your doctor to fine-tune your thyroid treatment. You'll gain empowering knowledge about thyroid testing and medication options to ensure you’re on the right path to feel your best.

Coaching Call 3

Food & Nutrition

We’ll explore your current eating habits, discuss any dietary changes you’d like to make, and create a plan that aligns with your health goals. I'll share tools and resources to help you get where you want to go and discover which foods help you thrive. 

Coaching Call 4

Fitness & Lifestyle

This session focuses on your fitness and other wellness aspirations. We’ll discuss how to enhance your thyroid-healthy lifestyle by weaving your character strengths with a whole-life wellness plan that includes things like exercise, sleep, hydration, and self-care.

Coaching Call 5

Fine Tuning

We’ll review how things are going, making any necessary adjustments to your plan. These revisions are an essential part of the process of achieving a wellness routine that you love and can stick with. Together, we'll fine-tune your strategy to ensure it's working for you so that you can get long-term results.

Coaching Call 6

Reflecting & Looking Ahead

In this reflection session, we’ll pause to look back on how far you’ve come, celebrate your progress, and look ahead to your highest vision of health. We’ll ensure you have a clear plan for the journey ahead, plus any additional support or resources you need to maintain your momentum.

Ongoing Support

Throughout our sessions, we’ll co-create doable action steps to keep you moving forward, and each call will be tailored to your current needs. If you need additional support after these 6 calls, I'm here for you every step of the way! As a Premium Thriver's Club Member, you’ll have exclusive access to my A la Carte Coaching Calls at 50% off the regular price.

Let's Go!

Enhance Your Transformation With the Ultimate Thyroid Bundle

When you become a Premium Thrivers Club Member, you also receive lifetime access to the Ultimate Thyroid Bundle—a comprehensive and carefully curated collection of resources designed to support every aspect of your wellness journey, from food to lifestyle to treatment strategies. The Ultimate Thyroid Bundle is the perfect complement to our coaching sessions, providing you with the tools and knowledge to make lasting changes.


Get Started

Stories of Transformation

Discover how fellow "Thyroid Thrivers" are transforming their health and achieving lasting results with Ginny's coaching, and the support of The Thrivers Club Community.

"Ginny’s vast knowledge and compassionate guidance have kept me going. I was ignorant even of my symptoms as I have lived with them so long that they had become my “normal.” I’m learning so much about myself, and I feel so encouraged. Better sleep, clearer thinking, courage and confidence abound!"

Judith C.

"Thank you, Ginny, for being such a huge part of my journey! I am engaged in my world and my relationships. I am recreating my life to fit my health needs. I am finally beginning to dream outside of my immediate space. I have even lost about 20lbs. I feel fit and healthy, and I finally feel like myself."

Beth J. 

"I feel blessed to have found this wonderful community. With your guidance and support and the support of the Thrivers Club Community, I feel that I have found my path to healing and better health! I am looking forward to continuing to improve my health."

Natalie T.
Ready to Begin?

Choose the Right Path for Your Journey

Your transformation starts with choosing the membership option that best supports your goals. Whether you’re looking for comprehensive coaching or ongoing community support, there's an option for you.

Basic Monthly Membership



  • Group Coaching Calls
  • Members-Only Workshops
  • Private Recipe Library & Resource Vault
  • Thrivers Club Community
  • Monthly Wellness Challenges
  • Exclusive Discounts & Bonuses

Basic Annual Membership



  • Group Coaching Calls
  • Members-Only Workshops
  • Private Recipe Library & Resource Vault
  • Thrivers Club Community
  • Monthly Wellness Challenges
  • Exclusive Discounts & Bonuses
join now

Premium Membership



  • Everything in Thrivers Club Membership, PLUS:
  • 6 Private Coaching Calls
  • Lifetime Access to the Ultimate Thyroid Bundle
  • VIP-Level Perks & Support
  • Limited to 10 Slots Per Year for Maximum Support
Go Premium

Frequently Asked Questions


Take the Next Step on Your Path To Transformation

You’ve made incredible progress—now it’s time to elevate your health with the personalized support and expert guidance you deserve. The Premium Thrivers Club Coaching Membership is your path to lasting vitality and transformation. Don’t wait—join today and start thriving with the support of your own Functional Medicine Health Coach, a vibrant community, and exclusive lifetime access to the Ultimate Thyroid Bundle.

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